A key part of running a successful business is by having the right kind of outdoor signage. Outdoor signage is important as it not only helps people identify your business, but can also help them navigate to it. In this blog post, the outdoor store sign design professionals here at Parvin-Clauss Sign Company will go over the different types of exterior store signs that are available and how they can help your business. 

Types Of Outdoor Signage

Having the right type of outdoor signage for your business is important as it can not only benefit you, but it can also benefit the customer. Here at Parvin-Clauss, we provide different types of outdoor signage depending on the needs of each business. Each type of outdoor sign we manufacture is meant to be placed in a different area around or on your property, such as signage being placed out front to welcome visitors, signs installed on your building's facade, as well as signage that is strategically placed to navigate to and around your property.

Our custom outdoor store signs consist of: 

  • Pylon & Monument Signs
  • Wayfinding Signs
  • Channel Letter Signs
  • Digital Signage
  • and more! 

Why Do You Need Outdoor Signage?

Outdoor store signage serves a variety of purposes depending on why you need them. For example, if you want to make your business’s building stand out, then getting a channel letter sign or even a monument sign can be a great choice since they are eye-catching and can even be illuminated at night. If your business resides in a location such as a shopping plaza or has multiple buildings, then having wayfinding signage can be very helpful for customers and clients as it can help finding you much easier. Of course, outdoor signage can also be a great tool in marketing your business as having exterior store signs with your business’s logo and name on it can leave an impression on viewers. 

Get The Outdoor Signage You Need

Outdoor signage for your business can be a big game-changer depending on how you decide to utilize them. As an experienced outdoor sign manufacturer, we here at Parvin-Clauss are more than happy to help you with all of your outdoor signage needs. Whether you need a new channel letter sign installed on your building or want some wayfinding signage to help visitors find you, you can be assured that we will provide you with the best outdoor signage design services.