Chicagoland weather is certainly uncertain: 60 degrees one day, a blizzard a few days later. The weather may be unreliable in the Midwest but it helps to rely on a sign company that's used to the weather when you're planning your sign project When your exterior sign project can't wait, choose a design with options for easy access for maintenance or for trouble-free tenant panel change-outs. Look to LED (light emitting diode) illumination that works well in colder weather and lasts longer than neon or fluorescent options. Create a positive first impression with customers and within the business campus with effective brand identity for all your exterior signs.
Our experienced design team can assist you in creating a sign with quality, longevity and serviceability in mind. Your monument sign conveys your image and your brand to the public. Choose high-quality materials that complement your business campus and catch the eye of your customers and of people driving by. Your exterior signs represent your business: withstanding the extremes and enduring the elements' changes. Turn to Parvin-Clauss Sign Company for your next Chicago area sign project.

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